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More to it than Meets the Eye

Updated: Jan 6

Wow, Parts 1 & 2 have been very insightful! Now, I’m starting to see the connective fabric and how this ties together. When I can pivot between 3-5 dashboards and panes of glass, this saves me time, enhances my operational efficiency, and produces better results. I can easily share files, access content from 3rd parties, and improve my campaigns. Overall, the KPI metrics become easier to identify and define. As a result, we have more consistency and predictability for increasing profit margins and ROI. Now, I’ll turn it back over to my company Loom.

Mary’s journey is one of many in Marketing. We see it in our company and I’m sure this is relatable in yours. Many moving parts in the dynamic world of information. Now that Mary’s persona is understood, her device meets security standards and has just the right type of access to applications.  The focus now pivots to securing applications and the environments they are housed in. Resiliency is key! If these critical applications and files, or the cloud environment that houses them is unavailable, Mary can no longer create value for the company.   Loom typically starts by aligning department specific roles, groups, and tasks to identify and assign service ownership.  Partnering with those services owners we can then focus on proper development practices to include secure code scanning, vulnerability management and risk posture.  If the correct operational processes or the right personnel aren’t in place failures can occur.  Communication and access between these services is also where most issues occur.  Enter Privileged Access & Key Management as the next layer of defense for effective Access Lifecycle Management.  The backend integrations, machine to machine communication, API calls, and secrets management are that deeper granular layer that can be elusive and abstract.  The Loom Lens approach is there to partner with customers to build, run, or manage the following:

  • Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP)

    • Secure Code Scanning

    • Vulnerability Prioritization

    • Resource Visibility

  • Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)

    • Configuration Management

  • Providing a TTL on API Tokens, Certs, Secrets, and Passwords

  • Maintaining, monitoring, and rotating Keys, Certs, Tokens, and Passwords

  • Application Risk and Posture Management

Sign up to watch a video from our experts discussing the beginning stages of Marketing Mary's journey with Loom!

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